Complex Property Division Matters Don’t Have To Be Contentious
It is a common misconception that mediation is not suited to resolving complicated financial matters arising in divorce. On the contrary, mediation and collaborative law practice allow you to find creative solutions to complex property division matters that take into account the entirety of your circumstances.
Do you have questions for an experienced family law attorney about complex property division during divorce mediation? Contact me at the Law Office of Tammara S. Bloom to schedule an appointment.
Guiding You Through Mediation
In many marriages, parties commingle their separate assets (those that were brought into the marriage or received by gift or inheritance during the marriage) and community assets. This can complicate the division of assets. A court is often restricted in how it may characterize, value and divide marital property, given the complicated laws applicable to characterization, valuation and division of:
- Businesses
- Investments
- Real estate
- Retirement accounts
- Personal property such as art, antiques and collectibles

In contrast, mediation and collaboration provide an opportunity for the parties to craft an agreement to divide complicated assets and property in a whatever way works best for them. The courts will approve agreements reached by fully informed and consenting parties.
During each divorce case, the parties are required by law to fully disclose all aspects of their finances. After full disclosure of their finances, the parties are able to negotiate what is important to them and work together to solve problems as they create a customized resolution that accounts for the needs of everyone involved.
When it is necessary for the successful resolution of your case, I will refer you to an appropriate neutral expert who specializes in marital asset division for mediation and collaborative law cases, including:
- Appraisers
- Retirement specialists
- Actuaries
- Certified financial planners offering guidance in light of specific factual circumstances
We will work with these specialists to maximize financial benefit and minimize taxes as we determine a fair and equitable division of the assets and property accumulated during your marriage.
Call To Schedule A Consultation
The Law Office of Tammara S. Bloom provides divorce mediation and collaborative law representation to people in the South Bay area and across Northern California. To make an appointment, please call 408-377-2817 or contact me, a San Jose lawyer, online.