Custody With Your Child’s Interests In Mind
A lengthy, bitter child custody dispute can cause emotional damage to children. Determining custody through mediation is easier on the children because the process is not adversarial. In mediation, everyone’s needs are heard. Together we talk through problems and concerns and find workable solutions.
You can get child custody mediation assistance at the California Law Office of Tammara S. Bloom. I am a trained mediator as well as a San Jose child custody lawyer with more than 30 years of experience. Please call my office at 408-377-2817 to schedule an appointment.
Mediation Helps Parents Develop Their Own Parenting Plan
In mediation and collaborative law the parents work together with trained professionals to develop a comprehensive parenting plan for their family.
A parenting plan will address how the responsibilities for children will be shared by the parents. Issues it covers may include:
- Time scheduling
- Parenting responsibilities
- Daily care of the children
- School and extracurricular activities
- Holidays and vacations
- Heath care and insurance expenses
- Post-high school expenses
- Travel
- Special needs support

You Decide What’s Best For Your Family
Since both parents are equally involved in child custody mediation, both have the opportunity to make requests and voice their concerns and decide together what is best for their family. A stranger will not be deciding what is best for your family, you will with assistance from an attorney who cares about the outcome.
Making sure your children are protected and safe during your separation and divorce is important to the parents that I work with. Communicating with your children about what is happening is a very important part of this. I provide education and support for parents so that they can effectively communicate with their children about their separation/divorce.
I am also experienced and trained in conducting structured child interviews to obtain direct input from children. In cases where everyone agrees it is in the best interests of the family, interviews can be conducted with the children so the voice of the children can be taken into account when parents are creating or modifying parenting plans.
Sometimes, parents need further information to determine what is best for a child, especially when dealing with children with special needs. When necessary, I will refer the family to a child development specialist or special needs assessor to assist them further in making these important decisions.
Let’s Work Together For Your Child
I share my clients’ concern for their children. To schedule an appointment, please call 408-377-2817 or contact me online.