Understanding How Child Support Is Calculated
Disagreements over the amount of child support are detrimental to the most important members of the family: the children. Working with an experienced family law mediator or collaborative team the parties focus on providing the children with the support they need instead of spending precious financial resources arguing in court with each other.
When the court sets child support amounts, they must follow the California child support laws that are supposed to determine what is in the best interest of the child. Child support in California is calculated using the state guidelines that consider numerous factors, including:
- How many children the couple has
- The amount of time spent with each parent
- How much net income (income left after taxes are paid) each parent earns
- Tax consequences
- The cost of health insurance and child care
Determining Child Support Using Mediation And Collaborative Law
When you negotiate child support during mediation and collaborative law, you do not have to strictly follow the state’s child support guidelines. In fact, mediation and collaborative law lets you choose the amount of child support that meets both the needs of the children and the parents.
As your lawyer, my goal is to get both parents to focus on what is best for the children, because they are the ones who benefit most from the support agreement. To help all parties decide what is best, I work with you to determine the financial resources available to meet the needs of the children and parties, consider the household budgets and review the support guidelines. Parties can consider a number of options to maximize their after-tax dollars and fairly determine child support considering all of their family’s needs.
Let’s Begin Working On Your Solution Today
My experience as a San Jose child support mediation and collaborative law attorney can help your family find the right child support solution that will be fair and equitable. To make an appointment, please call 408-377-2817 or contact me online.